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Visitor Centres

The Park Authority has created a series of Visitor Centres and Gateways to welcome visitors, provide information on the Park and its features, and suggest education activities.
They are tourist structures with didactic and promotional purposes, whose main aim is the promotion of the knowledge of the territory and its enhancement.

The Visitor Centres represent an important instrument for the diffusion of the environmental and cultural features of the protected area, giving visitors the opportunity to discover the flora, the wildlife, and the extraordinary natural landscape of Aspromonte. Each of the seven structures is characterized by a specific thematic area, in order to promote and connect the main attractions of the whole Park. The theme chosen for each Visitor Centre regards the environmental and naturalistic features of the territory, its history, its cultural and religious traditions.

For further information contact: Promotion Office - Mr. Giorgio Cotroneo, Ph. +39 0965 743060 int.213 - E-mail: -

© 2024 - Parco Nazionale dell'Aspromonte
Via Aurora, 1 - Gambarie - 89057 Santo Stefano Aspromonte (RC)
Tel. 0965/743060 - Fax 0965/743026 - E-mail: - PEC:
C.F 92014250804 - P.Iva 02227330806